10,274 research outputs found

    Salient Regions for Query by Image Content

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    Much previous work on image retrieval has used global features such as colour and texture to describe the content of the image. However, these global features are insufficient to accurately describe the image content when different parts of the image have different characteristics. This paper discusses how this problem can be circumvented by using salient interest points and compares and contrasts an extension to previous work in which the concept of scale is incorporated into the selection of salient regions to select the areas of the image that are most interesting and generate local descriptors to describe the image characteristics in that region. The paper describes and contrasts two such salient region descriptors and compares them through their repeatability rate under a range of common image transforms. Finally, the paper goes on to investigate the performance of one of the salient region detectors in an image retrieval situation

    How education shaped communist Cuba

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    F is for Fidel, Y is for Yanqui. This mantra used for teaching the alphabet in revolutionary Cuba shows just how far its educational divide with the U.S. has stretched. No sector illustrates better how Cuba and the U.S. have grown apart in over 50 years than education. Cuba claims today that its academic standards are among the highest in the world, and the country has educated tens of thousands of foreign students, mostly in medicine. U.S. policymakers know little about the methods used in Cuban education, nor what practical opportunities for collaboration in research and business might exist. With the agreement the two countries made last December to restore diplomatic relations, that may be about to change

    Online Structured Learning for Real-Time Computer Vision Gaming Applications

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    In recent years computer vision has played an increasingly important role in the development of computer games, and it now features as one of the core technologies for many gaming platforms. The work in this thesis addresses three problems in real-time computer vision, all of which are motivated by their potential application to computer games. We rst present an approach for real-time 2D tracking of arbitrary objects. In common with recent research in this area we incorporate online learning to provide an appearance model which is able to adapt to the target object and its surrounding background during tracking. However, our approach moves beyond the standard framework of tracking using binary classication and instead integrates tracking and learning in a more principled way through the use of structured learning. As well as providing a more powerful framework for adaptive visual object tracking, our approach also outperforms state-of-the-art tracking algorithms on standard datasets. Next we consider the task of keypoint-based object tracking. We take the traditional pipeline of matching keypoints followed by geometric verication and show how this can be embedded into a structured learning framework in order to provide principled adaptivity to a given environment. We also propose an approximation method allowing us to take advantage of recently developed binary image descriptors, meaning our approach is suitable for real-time application even on low-powered portable devices. Experimentally, we clearly see the benet that online adaptation using structured learning can bring to this problem. Finally, we present an approach for approximately recovering the dense 3D structure of a scene which has been mapped by a simultaneous localisation and mapping system. Our approach is guided by the constraints of the low-powered portable hardware we are targeting, and we develop a system which coarsely models the scene using a small number of planes. To achieve this, we frame the task as a structured prediction problem and introduce online learning into our approach to provide adaptivity to a given scene. This allows us to use relatively simple multi-view information coupled with online learning of appearance to efficiently produce coarse reconstructions of a scene

    Toward A Multidimensional Model Of Social Interaction As Related To Conflict Resolution Theory

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    One of the themes in the study of social theory, throughout its history, has been the examination of the social forces of agency and structure

    Settlement Patterns and Urbanization in the Yautepec Valley of Central Mexico

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    We carried out a full-coverage survey of the Yautepec Valley in the 1990s to reconstruct demography and settlements and their changes through time. We investigated the extent to which well-documented developments in the adjacent Basin of Mexico were paralleled in Yautepec, as well as the impact of regional empires and economies on local society. Our analyses focused on Teotihuacan relations in the Classic period and relations with the Aztec empire and the Mesoamerican world system in the Middle and Late Postclassic periods. In addition to locating, mapping, and describing sites and taking grab-bag artifact collections, we also made a series of systematic intensive surface collections (5 ×5m) and test excavations at samples of Classic and Postclassic sites. In this paper, we describe the survey and changing settlement patterns in the Yautepec Valley. We also present several analyses of changing patterns of urbanization through the Prehispanic era. We conclude with a synthesis of changing social and cultural dynamics in this region